If you visit your local fair every year, it's definitely worth entering some of your own creations if it's anything like Indiana. For $35 I can enter up to 35 (!) items in Home and Family Arts, which includes sewing, painting, photography, antiques, knitting, culinary... pretty much anything I'd even consider entering. You get a shot at the cash prizes for the top awards, plus 6 tickets to the fair. The tickets alone are worth more than the entry fee. The cash prizes aren't huge - I think I won a grand total of $14 last year - but it's still fun. Oh, and for some culinary categories the awards are in pounds of butter! How awesome is that?!
On to some big business news - I officially signed up for the Irvington Halloween Festival. The hubs talked me into it. He made a good point; if I'm not ready for it inventory-wise, I don't have to do it and I'm only out $32. This will be my first craft fair on my own since I'm sharing a booth with Mom at the Rocky Ripple Festival in September. I gotta say, it makes me a little nervous just thinking about it.
Yesterday the Groupon here in Indianapolis was $15 for $30 worth of merchandise from Skreened, a custom screenprinting website. Kenny and I both ordered one so we can make Bobaloo tshirts to wear to the craft fairs. I'll let you know how they turn out when they get here. I think they look so cute on the website's preview that I might wear it around town. I figure it's advertising, right?