My table was in the midst of four lovely ladies, so I had plenty of chatting buddies to stay occupied in between customers. Let me introduce you to my table neighbors!
To my left was Martha from Sunday Afternoon Housewife, who organized the event. She has awesome Scrabble tile necklaces along with lots of other goodies. I bought a few necklaces for some people on my Christmas list and I know they’ll love them.
Martha was sharing a table with Jen from EleanorMac. She makes these beaded bookmarks, cute little planet crayons, and she had some adorable little Lego earrings!
I couldn’t resist buying myself some body creme from Kimberly, who owns Mocha Tree Organics. I bought the Lavender Grapefruit scent after trying them all and I loooove it. Kimberly uses certified organic ingredients, so I think I’m going to try her lotion on my food-allergic, eczema-y baby boy and see if it helps.
Next to Kimberly was Tonya from the CozyRose Boutique. Tonya’s super cool wrist warmers are sold at the Little Green Bean Boutique, where you can also find bobaloo! goodies. Since she sells locally, you still have time to pick up a pair for a lucky lady on your list!
I couldn’t resist doing a little shopping at the end of the show. Besides the lotion and the necklaces, I also bought a ridiculously awesome monster ornament from Mamus, and some beautiful posters from Dan at Mile 44.
Afterward a few of us met up at Dorman Street Saloon. I met Shan from Green Illuminations – he and his partner JUST started up their business, and whoa am I impressed! Check out that website – Shan, can I hire you to design mine?! I also had a nice long chat about fabric lines and designers with Ariane from Mother Tucker Sews. Car junkies talk about Ford and Ferrari, people who sew talk Patty Young and Nicey Jane. Rachel from bebito was there too – her toys are so awesome.
All in all, I would totally do this show again for a couple of reasons. First, although it wasn’t my most successful show money-wise, it was certainly successful enough to make it worth it. Second, it was just fun. Nice people, awesome restaurant (the grilled cheese was to die for), good shopping – what’s not to like? Make sure you check out the full list of people who were there because everything was so great.
I’m working on finishing up some gifts and cleaning my house in preparation for the holiday madness this weekend. Somehow I have to fit the kids’ four-piece wood play kitchen in our already crammed living room, so send me some puzzle-solving vibes!
Have a great holiday week, everyone!
Thanks for a lovely wrap up!