Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Reason #1 to Not Give the 3-Year-Old the Camera

In the excitement of the craft show recap, I almost forgot to tell you guys some good news!  Before I left for the show Saturday, I got an email from a big blog (like SUPER big) asking to link to my fancy burp cloth tutorial.  I think it will be sometime next month, so I'll be sure to post about it, probably repeatedly so I can bask in my almost-fame.  The best part is I didn't even submit anything - they found me somehow, which is just crazy.

I got some product pictures taken this morning thanks to the sucker-bribery technique.  So cute, right?

However, my little monster has decided if I'm taking pictures of her, she's taking pictures of me.  Evidently this is what I look like when someone says, "Look at me, mommy.  Now make a monkey face and think about butterflies."

One part I really liked about the show Saturday is that people gave me lots of product suggestions.  I've got a few things in the works that I'll share with y'all soon.  I have to squeeze in loads of sewing time because (maybe stupidly) I've decided to do the Ben Davis Homespun Holidays show Thanksgiving weekend.  The people in the Etsy forums with all their enthusiasm pushed me over the edge, so I'm sending in the application tomorrow!

It makes me a little nervous to commit to another show when I just did my first one, but I figure it can't hurt.  I've been working on getting my stuff in to some more local stores, so what will probably happen is I'll get a ton of wholesale orders, sell everything at the Irvington Halloween Festival, and have to replenish it all for Homespun Holidays.  Gee, that would be a TERRIBLE problem to have!

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